05-20-2016 – Ignite Church News to Ignite Your Week

We hope you are having a wonderful week. We are looking forward to the weekend where we have some really exciting things going on.

PLEASE don’t forget “Ignite Family Night” this Sunday night @ 6PM. Bring your favorite dish of American Cuisine” to share. We will have our first visit from a missionary, Daniel Rojas from Costa Rica. He is joining us for dinner and will give us a message about how God is using him in Costa Rica. I am asking for GREAT support from Ignite Church. We are going to be a heavily MISSION MINDED Church so make every effort to come out Sunday night.

2016.05.22 - Family Night

Just some upcoming events.

Memorial Day Celebration honoring our Veterans that gave their lives for this country. Please get your pictures to Fran as soon as possible. We are going to build a slide show.

2016 Memorial Day

Vacation Bible School for our children

2016 VBS Media

New Sunday Night Study starting in July – Register online to secure you study guide.

War Room Study - Media

There is so much going on here at Ignite but Jesus is in the MIDDLE of it all and is the FOUNDATION of it all.

Here are a few pictures of the new facility to get you super excited… It will not be long now. Hallelujah to the Lamb.



Toddler Room

Toddler Room

Foyer and Greg Jenkins

Foyer and Greg Jenkins



Sanctuary View from Balcony

Sanctuary view from Balcony

Praise be to Jesus. We hope you are as excited about Ignite Church as we are. We are looking forward to seeing people grow to be sold out to the cause of Jesus and to show Jesus to the World and many being saved and baptized.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

“Doing Life Together”

Ignite Church


05-13-2016 – Ignite Church News to Ignite Your Week

God is on the move at Ignite Church.

We are so proud of our Women and their testimonies last Sunday. We have an awesome Women’s Ministry starting up here at Ignite Church. The ladies that the Lord has sent here to began this ministry is incredible. We were so blessed with each one that spoke and the fire and excitement even from the ones that did not speak. What a wonderful passion these ladies have started to pour into other ladies and our young ladies here at Ignite. We are looking forward to great and mighty things through this ministry.

Just a few REMINDERS…

This Sunday Morning @
9:15am – Prayer
10:00am – Sunday School
11:00am – Worship
6:30pm – Bible Fellowship (The Family Project)


This Saturday – Men’s Monthly Meeting (Bring your children) (Breakfast @ 7:30am)

2016.05 - Ignite the Man Within

A Special Family Night on May 22 @ 6pm with Missionary Daniel Rojas – Bring your favorite “American Cuisine” to share.

2016.05.22 - Family Night

Special Memorial Day Worship Celebration – We will honor all our fallen Hero’s.

2016 Memorial Day

We can’t wait to see you on Sunday to Worship. Fellowship and to Encourage each other to continue to RUN the race marked out for each of us.

Be an ENCOURAGER by being at CHURCH…


Ignite Church