2017.11.03 – Ignite Bible Fellowship Weekly Reminder

Good afternoon on this beautiful day. We hope you have had a wonderful week and are gearing up for a wonderful weekend. 

Here are just a few reminders to get you excited to worship Jesus this weekend…

November 4 – Set those clocks back unless you want to show up for prayer and Sunday School… And we would love to have you… So forget this one point in the message… lol.

November 12 – 11am – Veterans Day Service – Be sure to sign up for a free meal after the service if you are a Veteran. See Fran.

November 12 – Please turn in all Christmas Shoe boxes by the PM service.

November 18 – Men and Women ministries will serve at the Southern Women’s Business show for their Christmas shop. See Fran, Jana and Gary to help…

November 19 @ 11am – Special Thanksgiving Service

November 19 @ 5:30pm – Special Family Fun Night and ALSO we will Decorate the Church for Christmas

November 26 @ 6:00pm – A Testimony of Thankfulness Celebration with Communion

Wow. We get so busy during the holidays but please do not get your focus off Jesus and His Chruch. Plan to put Him first this Christmas season in all you do.

We have a special surprise coming for the month of December as a gift for the whole Church and you do not want to miss it… Details coming soon. You will receive you surprise at the Testimony of Thankfulness Celebration…

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday to worship Jesus…

Your Staff and servents,
Ignite Bible Fellowship